This year is different - not only because of the sheer number of events but also because of the tragic superficiality of some of them and the urgent need for women leaders to come together profoundly to be the change the world is waiting for. The mismanagement of our world, resulting in wars, genocides or climate issues, cries out for new leaders - leaders with intelligence and heart - leaders who are connected, courageous, creative and have integrity. I am convinced that many of you are suitable candidates and you know that as a fact.
The UN has announced the theme for International Women's Day (IWD) on 8 March 2024 as 'Investing in Women: Accelerating Progress', and we are incorporating this theme into WIN's annual Women Inspiring the Future event on 8 March, as we look at value and resources, including financial resources, and what the suitable investment in women can do for our planet, our organisations and our lives. Just imagine what we can do!
I know I am not the only one being exasperated about this, and the Funding Gap is one of the most severe of the many gender gaps we know of, with only 2-3% of all VC funding going to women-led projects.
Every day is a woman’s day.
Every day, we work for women's freedom of choice, advancement and empowerment in the world, at work and in life. Many of you do, too.
And just as we work daily to promote women's active participation in economic, political and social life, we also celebrate a special day – 8th March - International Women's Day.
It allows us to unite with so many other women's organisations, companies and individuals to take a stronger stand - a stand for what each of us cares about, raise awareness, accelerate needed change, and celebrate as we expand a more feminine and balanced paradigm.
Our research mapping women’s visions and dreams over two decades shows that women’s dreams are 90% altruistic, and again, imagine –imagine – as I always ask you at the WIN conference - what the world would look like, be like and feel like if we could create it as we dream of.
Creating harmony
WIN's advocacy & feminism is rooted in a worldview of interconnectedness and harmony. It is deep and broad, encompassing all intelligence, not just the intellectual, as it includes emotional and spiritual intelligence. Yin & Yang. Body, Mind and Heart – all in tandem.
We know that we are all connected, and how we contribute matters to the whole. It is not about women against men, nor dangerous labels or divisions. It is always about celebrating the uniqueness of each person and inspiring everyone's authentic contribution and full potential to contribute to a world that works for all.
In the early days of WIN's work, some twenty years ago, we were fortunate to be introduced to the word UBUNTU by our African sisters and ‘the way (of ubuntu)' is celebrated year after year at the WIN conference. It was the word that expressed what an entire paragraph describing the WIN Pillar of Interconnected proposes, and we fell in love with short, I am because you are.
In closing, this is a critical time on our planet – we encourage you whether you can join WIN’s 8th March meeting or another event to:
- Fund women whose projects are a force for good
- Support women to be all of who they can become
- Take a stronger stand for freedom of choice in a harmonious way
- Build bridges and see the human in front of you
- Take a stand for peace, starting with your own
- Connect with your inner power and choose to walk the path of integrity
- Explore how to wake up from all media manipulation and patriarchy
- Choose grace over aggression – love over fear!
I am because you are – let’s WIN together.
With love and courage
Kristin Engvig
Please join us 8th March
Inspiring the Future: Investing in Women
8 March 2024 | 9:30-10:40 CET
The UN has announced the theme for International Women's Day (IWD) on 8 March 2024 as "Investing in Women: Accelerating Progress, and we are incorporating this theme into WIN's annual Women Inspiring the Future 8 March event.
WIN's 8 March meeting celebrates the tremendous efforts of women around the world to build a prosperous and sustainable future. It will look at the critical factor of having resources, including financial resources, and what a suitable investment in women can do for our planet, organisations and lives.
Join us as we hear from some extraordinary women who work with deep purpose, joy and impact and explore how we can inspire a future where we all thrive. The event will include interactive mentoring groups and space for everyone to network the WIN way.
2024 Monthly WIN themes
February: Diversity Equity and Inclusion. Why Women, Why Now
March: Empowerment of Women
April: Women in Science and Technology
May: Women Leading Global Harmony
June: Women's Wellbeing and Sport
July: Women’s Global Leadership Journey: Finding Your Authenticity
August: Your Story, your Voice
September: Value, Finance and Power
October: Women. Earth. Future: Building Bridges
November: Diversity Equity and Inclusion & Sustainability