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I focus on the Nourished You!

If it is up to me it is to be!
Your health is your choice and if we get together it's a matter of simple easy steps and I am cheering your along. 
Life is for living and moving forward. The focus in on what your able to shift in your daily lifestyle not what your "giving up"

​Hey, what if you feel great, look better, and moving with ease. Health is not the absence of pain...

Eliminate the aches and pains, the habits that don't serve you. Learn to love and trust your body and develop those lifelong habits so you achieve the level of health and wellness you desire.

Shari Leiterman

A bit about my journey. I had a "spiritual" moment when I realized that drinking, smoking and partying all night was not going to give me the life I was destined to create. 30 years ago began my journey to veganism.

Rawsome Living offers  a Holistic approach to living a lifestyle of vitality. The level of lifestyle that offers, balance, simplicity, energy and nutritious foods that change the concept of "fast foods".  Imagine feeling at peace making healthy foods and meals "on the go".  Busting the myths of what is healthy, where you get your protein and move forward into what truely works for you! Individualized approaches that nourish, and sustain mind, body and spirit. Our offerings include educational workshops, seminars and retreats. The journey begins with one meal at a time, one exercise at a time and one breathe at a time for any age. Wellness addresses mind, body and spirit. Ready set go! ​I want you to thrive and experience the next level of health and wellbeing.

Simple easy steps to implement in your daily lifestyle. Shifiting from stress to peace, from overwhelm to passion, replacing confusion with my help and guidance; menu's, shopping lists, or grab n go treats. To attending or hosting a class, workshop, or seminar. Joining  Vegan Potlucks. Start now and leave what is not working and shift it. Understand the basics to achieving more time living and not worrying about what, where, why to eat this and that. To be open to listening and learning about the relationship with food and the body. My goals are to educate, inspire and motivate you. It begins with your desire to change. 

                                                                             "Food is they Medicine"
                                         "The Doctor of the future will teach his clients to heal themselves"

​In my youth, I was a silly skinny girl. We ate processed foods and junk. I don't recall eating loads of fresh veggies and fruits. Early on I had to wear corrective shoes, and leg braces similar to Forrest Gump. Then I moved on to wearing a "Milwalke Back Brace" due to scoliosis. I named this contraption "Percilla". I had to wear her from age 13-18. I knew if I was disciplined I would avoid the back surgery and I did! I was fortunate to have loving parents to support and encourage my healing. I wore braces and headgear. I was a dork. I give thanks to my contraptions otherwise I would have been a hunched-back, buck tooth-sickly lady. 

Bowl of Fruits
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